Shoal’s researchers & writers

Eliza Egret is a researcher, writer and activist, usually focusing on anti-militarist and ecological struggles. Much of her research can be found on Corporate Occupation, a website tracking the corporations complicit in the occupation of Palestine. She is also a regular contributor at The Canary and Corporate Watch, as well as other political websites and magazines.
Eliza has travelled extensively in Kurdistan. She co-wrote Struggles For Autonomy in Kurdistan, a book which outlines Kurdish attempts to build a new society, organised from the grassroots level. She also co-wrote Resisting Demolitions in Palestine, which holds to account the companies complicit in the bulldozing of Palestinian homes. She has also designed a number of Shoal Collective and Corporate Watch publications.
Eliza dreams of an anarchist utopia, where we care for each other and the nature we’re a part of.
Contact Eliza at

Amy Hall is a journalist and editor covering land justice, housing, the environment, race, the solidarity economy and more. She is a co-editor at New Internationalist magazine and organiser with The Race Beat and a range of social justice campaigns.
You can find some of Amy’s Shoal work in Red Pepper, New Internationalist, Briarpatch and Libcom.
Contact Amy at

Tom Anderson is an anarchist writer and organiser who has been reporting on grassroots struggles for change for many years. He writes regularly for The Canary, and has also contributed to Red Pepper, New Internationalist, Corporate Watch, Roar Magazine, Electronic Intifada and Open Democracy.
Tom’s writing often focuses on state repression of social movements in the British Isles. He contributed chapters to Corporate Watch’s Managing Democracy, Managing Dissent and reported on the repression of the animal liberation movement.
He has made many research trips to Palestine over the last twenty years, carrying out undercover research on Israel’s occupation of the West
Bank, siege of the Gaza strip and ethnic cleansing of the Naqab. He has co-authored several books and reports on corporate complicity in the Israeli occupation. These include Apartheid in the Fields: From Occupied Palestine to British Supermarkets, and Resisting Demolitions in
Palestine. Much of his research can be found on Corporate Occupation.
Tom’s writing often focuses on the revolutionary struggle in Kurdistan, and how our global movements can take inspiration from the ideas of the
Kurdish Freedom Movement. He co-wrote the book Struggles for Autonomy in Kurdistan.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic,Tom has been involved in the mutual aid response to the pandemic, and has been writing about the social impacts of Covid-19.
Contact Tom at